Monday, April 2, 2018

Surprise! It’s not Easter 🐣 in Jordan 🇯🇴 Today

You can imagine my surprise when we arrived at church ⛪ today only to discover that churches ⛪ in Jordan 🇯🇴 follow the Eastern Orthodox calendar— it was Palm Sunday!!  We attended St. John the Baptist Church, the site of where John the Baptist was beheaded. The service lasted more than 2 1/2 hours and we stood for most of it.   The palms look very different than the ones we share on Palm Sunday. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Desert 🐫 Hospitality

I had the honor of spending three days as a guest of a Bedouin family located in the Twersi Village in southern Jordan 🇯🇴. My family is part of a tribe that lived in goat 🐐 hair tents or local caves up until the 1980’s. The entire time I wore my scarf as a hijab 🧕 and dressed conservatively. Highlights of my visit included a family meal of rice and chicken 🍗 eaten while sitting on the floor using our fingers, no utensils, and a wedding.  For two nights the men celebrated in one tent by sitting, talking, and eating. In the women’s tent we danced, ate and sang. Upon arriving at the women’s tent, many women removed their hijabs and dressed in western styled dresses and clothing. Gunshots announced the arrival of the bride the second night, escorted by the groom. Hours later he returned to exchange rings and escort the bride home. Again, we enjoyed a delicious meal of goat 🐐 and rice while sitting on rugs. Hospitality at its finest!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Lessons from Petra

Following a hot and sweaty walk through a siq (a canyon), past numerous tombs while bumping shoulders with braying donkeys, and up 845 steps, we found ourselves marveling at the immensity of the Monastery. The Monastery is the largest tomb located in Jordan’s most famous Nabatean archaeologist site, Petra. Tombs carved out of sandstone are stark reminders of mankind’s desire to comprehend death. Feeling small and insignificant at the base of the 135 foot tomb, the Monastery serves as a reminder to everyone to stop, be present, and face all experiences, new or familiar, as a traveler. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Lowest Point on Earth

Today a small group of teachers hopped in a taxi 🚕 for a quick trip to the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is literally the lowest point on Earth 🌏—400 meters below sea level. The high levels of salt is due to the fact that there is no outlet for the sea and the high temperatures evaporate the water 💦 more quickly than it is replenished. I was super bouyant!  Nothing lives in the Dead Sea. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Separate but Equal?

For 70 years Jordan 🇯🇴 has been assisting Palestinian refugees. Not only has Jordan 🇯🇴 helped with shelter, food, and health care, but Jordan and various organizations have worked to provide education. We had the honor of meeting with members from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNWRA) and we visited one of the schools they oversee. We learned of the recent cut of 65 million from the original 125 million that the United States usually gives to this program which, in the end, may prove tragic to the thousands of children who attend school and fuel more problems down the road. Interestingly, separate schools, different from the government operated schools, have been established by the UNRWA. Is this fair?  Do all students receive the same, high quality education?  Does having a separate school for Palestinian children promote a sense of “otherness “?  With a lack of funding, what will happen to these children? 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Learning Not To Offend

On our first day in Jordan 🇯🇴 we spent some time learning what not to to do so that we do not offend people in our host country. Food is always a yummy and favorite topic to discuss so it was at the top of our list. When eating you are to avoid using your left hand. You may touch your own food with your left hand 🤚 but you would never pass food 🥘 with your left or dip pita using your left. Your left hand 🤚 is reserved for doing dirty jobs.   Other offensive gestures include showing the bottom of your shoes and stepping over your food.  Be prepared not to shake hands with somebody of the opposite sex as well as kissing cheeks.  Do not accept offers of kindness without refusing a couple of times to ensure that it is a genuine offer.   So much to learn and loving every moment.   

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Preparing for Jordan 🇯🇴

The days are counting down as I scramble to prepare for my trip to Jordan. Part of my preparation includes packing the culturally appropriate clothing necessary so I will not offend anyone. Clothing must cover my arms to the wrists, legs to the ankles and chests up to the neck. With a couple of headscarves… I think I’m ready to go.